
Here you can see a piece of barium that weighs approx. 1 gram and consists of about 4.4 trilliards atoms. How heavy, do you think, 10 barium atoms are?

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Structure of matter

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Tracking atoms – composition of matter

Physics lessons in mainstream school education were extremely limited during the 20th century – especially when it came to expensive and complex experiments.…

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10525 Haupt

Chance Happenings

Here everything is left to chance: These cubes have on two sides a red circle the other four are white. For each roll of the remaining dice, those with the red…

10433 Haupt

Cloud Chamber

Atomic (and sub-atomic) particles from space and from various radioactive processes on earth leave short-lasting “vapour trails” behind them in the cloud…

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Cubes cubed

Pull on the cord to create a translucent cube. Keep on pulling to make it grow. Inside the kaleidoscope, it expands backwards as well as forwards so it grows…

10082 Haupt

Double Refraction in Calcite Crystals

If you look at the lettering through the calcite crystal, the lettering appears twofold. Since the strength of the refraction of the light depends on its…

10210 Phänomen

Icy Bodies

by Shawn Lani Dry ice, solid carbon dioxide at -78° Celsius, has the remarkable property that it does not melt when heated but immediately becomes gaseous -…

11983 Haupt

Magnetic balance

Underneath a large ring magnet is a transparent box with a small magnetic cube and a base made of graphite. At exactly the right distance, the weight of the…

11039 Detail

Neon Sinfonie

by Bernd Weinmayer What is remarkable about this goblet with its extremely long, slender stem is the "pattern effect" in the plasma, i.e. the neon light fan…

11904 Haupt

Seeing atoms

Here at Technorama, you can see atoms with the naked eye in this exhibit. This is a unique experience in museums worldwide. (The ion trap in the exhibit was…

10553 Haupt


Even less than the ear can hear individual instruments in a concert, the eye is able to assign individual colour tones in the impression of colour. A…

11980 Phänomen


Together with a Technorama employee, various experiments with superconductors can be carried out here.

11864 Haupt

The big is in the small: crystals

by Ward Fleming You can shake the container gently to set the ceramic balls in motion. If you move it long enough and regularly, the balls will arrange…

11430 1

Triad - metal, stone, wood

This exhibit is not accessible during the winter months. It is amazing what sound is produced by striking the stone slabs, the metal pipes and the wooden…

10975 Haupt

Watch Water Freeze / Ice Flowers

Water is a special substance - and an aesthetic one at that. We can see this especially in the growth of ice flowers, when liquid water begins to crystallise…

11035 Detail

White Plasma Plume

by Wayne Strattman One of the most aesthetically pleasing realisations among a whole series of works in which the fourth aggregate state of matter becomes the…